Welcome to Spring Creek and membership in the Spring Creek Homeowners Association. This page is provided to make you aware of important information and responsibilities that come with being a property owner and member of the Spring Creek Association (SCA).
Please stop by the office located at 401 Fairway Blvd to return your completed homeowner information form and quick reminder sheet. Upon returning those completed forms you will be assigned an amenity PIN and provided with a property owner packet. Your amenity PIN is required to gain access to Association amenities. Your property owner packet will provide you with all of the deed restriction information, rules and regulations, list of amenities, and other valuable information about living within the SCA. A paper packet is available, or you may download a digital copy online. Information can also be found on our website. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, closed select holidays.
Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 AM-5 PM, closed on select holidays.
Board of Directors
The Spring Creek Board of Directors is elected by property owners to govern the Association. The Board meets at regular monthly meetings to discuss and vote on SCA business and to hear from members of the public. These meetings are typically held on the 4th Wednesday of every month at the office, 401 Fairway Blvd. Meetings generally begin at 5:30 p.m. and notices of meeting agendas are posted regularly at the Spring Creek Association Office, Horse Palace, Country Club Shell Station, Khoury’s Market Place, and our website. Your input is welcomed, and we encourage you to attend.
Committee of Architecture
The COA’s main purpose is to provide for a high standard of property maintenance and construction within the Association. The COA meets at regular monthly meetings typically on the 2nd Monday of each month at the office, 401 Fairway Blvd. Please note that plans for any structural alterations, additions, fences, etc. need to be submitted to the COA for approval before you submit your plans to Elko County Building Department. Learn more about policies and rules on our website.
Spring Creek Recreation & Amenities
The Association owns and maintains a variety of recreational amenities for your use. These amenities include the Spring Creek Golf Course, Horse Palace, Marina, Trap & Skeet, Shooting Range, Campground, and several sports fields. Access to all SCA Amenities requires a homeowner access card (available for purchase) or PIN. All properties must be in good standing with the SCA to avoid any holds. For more information, please visit our website.
Weather & Roads
All SCA Parkways and secondary roads are maintained by the Association road department. Operators from this crew perform snow removal during the winter and routine maintenance projects throughout the construction season, culminating in the August “Chip Seal” project. For our snow removal policy, please review the information in your packet. As a reminder, please do not push snow across or on the road from your property. Report a road issue HERE or by calling the Association at 775-753-6295 option 5.
ATV’s, Motorcycles and OHV’s
The Spring Creek Association Board of Director’s voted to allow OHVs on Spring Creek Association roads. There are specific rules associated with this passage which can be found on our website. Elko County Sheriff’s Office will issue citations or tickets similar to any other traffic infringement if these are violated.
Livestock Information
Please be advised that there are restrictions in some area Tracts that DO NOT allow livestock or horses. Please read your Tract DORs for these and any other restrictions.
Good Neighbor Practices
Our rural community is under the civil governance of Elko County. Along with Elko County codes and policies, we encourage all members to simply be a good neighbor. Such things such as controlling dogs (barking and running at-large), keeping weeds and trash under control, and obeying speed limit signs on our roads will do much to build a welcoming, safe, and attractive home for everyone.
Where Do My Association Dues Get Spent?
Association dues go directly to helping maintain roads, snow removal, the amenities and more. The Association receives no funding from sales taxes, property taxes, or state or federal funds. The Spring Creek Association (SCA) uses the majority of dues to fund the roads and road maintenance, about 47%. The Association cares for about 150 miles (300 lane miles) of paved or chip-sealed roads.
I Have Concerns About My Water Rate.
Please note that our water provider, Great Basin Water, is a separate entity from the Spring Creek Association. They may be reached at 775-753-4437. The Spring Creek Association is aware that there is a growing concern of the Spring Creek membership regarding water and water rates. SCA has a volunteer Water Committee whose focus is to establish water conservation practices, communication to Great Basin Water Company and the Public Utilities Commission regarding any issues, and to ultimately try and help reduce the burden to our membership. Complaints about your water? Call PUCN at 775-684-6100 or Bureau of Consumer Protection: 702-486-3132.
1. Payment coupons are provided to all property owners in November or December for the upcoming year. If you have not received new coupons by January 1st and still own the property, please contact us to be provided a duplicate set. You may make an annual payment or monthly payments, whichever you prefer. If you are paying more than one month at a time, please be sure you pay at the beginning of that time period, not at the end, to avoid late charges. You may have received coupons with this letter, if so, you will need to pay according to the coupons, if not, please check with us to make sure that your fees are paid.
2. The SCA Assessment fees effective January 2024 are $81.00 per month per lot or $972.00 per year per lot. Assessment payments are due by the 10thof each month. Accounts become delinquent when not paid in full by the 10th of the following month and are charged a late fee of $10.00. The late charge becomes part of the total balance due. Also, as of January 1, 2024, there will be a $3.50 fee per credit or debit card transaction.
While we do not send monthly statements, delinquent notices are mailed monthly. The notice indicates past due amount, present month due, applied late charge on the amount 30 days past due, to equal the total amount still due for the month. Late fees left unpaid do result in additional late charges. Yes, late fees cause more late fees when left unpaid. Owners with delinquent accounts are not entitled to use of the amenities until accounts are brought current. Payments received apply to the oldest assessments and late charges until the account is current.
3. To ensure that your mail reaches you in a timely manner, be sure our office has a valid mailing address. The inability to deliver mail may result in late charges.
4. A check returned by the bank as “non-negotiable” for any reason is subject to a $40.00 charge. We do not redeposit checks returned by the bank to avoid additional bad check charges should the check be returned again.
5. If you have a questionregarding your account, please contact the office. We are more than willing to go over the account and/or provide you with a payment history. It is possible for us to make an error and we will gladly double check our records. If a cleared check is in question, we need copies of both the front and back sides of your canceled check/s.
6. Please reference your account number on all payments. This is especially important if you are using an on-line bank payment or submitting payment without a coupon. It is also important if you own more than one lot, to provide coupons or account numbers for each account you are paying for. It is fine to submit one check for multiple accounts but please let us know how the payment is to be applied.
7. Nonpayment of assessments, late charges, and other fees will eventually result in referral to our attorney for collection. Please call the office and make arrangements to catch up your account before incurring legal costs and fees which the property owner is also responsible for paying.
8. It is up to the buyer and/or seller to provide property title information to our office. If you change ownership, please provide us with documentation. We continue billing the last known owner until we receive verification of a change of ownership. When we receive title change information, we will issue coupons for the balance of the year to the new owner of the property. There is a $200.00 Initial Assessment/Title Transfer charge to new owners at the time of title change.
Please note the Elko County property taxes are separate and in addition to the SCA assessments. Property tax bills are mailed to you by the Elko County Treasurer, 571 Idaho St, Elko, NV 89801. If you have a property tax question, contact the treasurer at the above address or phone 775-738-5694
📅 April 30, 2025
🕕 6:00 p.m.
📍 Spring Creek High School
More information can be found HERE
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