What do I need a permit for?
Spring Creek Association requires that you apply for a permit for any structures, fences, or any livestock other than horses. Horses are permitted on AR zoned properties at a limit of two (2) per full acre of land. Horses and livestock are not allowed in Tracts 106 A, B, C and D. You can call the office 753-6295 to get more information.
Can I let my dogs run loose?
No. All domestic animals and livestock must be contained within the limits of your property.
SCA DOR’s: Animals-Livestock & Domestic:
No livestock will be permitted in the “R” zones of this Declaration. No livestock, other than horses where permitted, shall be allowed without first having received the approval of the Committee of Architecture. Horses and livestock are not allowed in Tracts 106 A, B, C and D. Domestic animals such as dogs, cats, or other household pets may be kept provided they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes and are not kept in quantities which create an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. Owners shall confine domestic animals to the limits of their property.
Also see Elko County Sterling Codifiers 7-2-2 through 7-2-15 regarding Dogs, and Animal Control.
Please report animals running at large first and foremost to the Animal Control by calling Central Dispatch (775) 777-7300. You can make secondary complaints to the Spring Creek Association office by calling (775) 753-6295.
The Association can place the owner of any loose animal into non-compliance of the Rules & Regulations of the Association, we would require the following information in order to send this notice to the animal owner. Please click the button at bottom of page (Nuisance Complaint Procedure) for details needed. This information would be required when filing a nuisance complaint of other types as well.
Can we hunt in Spring Creek Association?
Hunting in any form within Spring Creek Association is prohibited. Signage is posted at every main entrance of the Association.
What can I do about the deer in my yard?
Hunting in any form within Spring Creek Association is prohibited. Signage is posted at every main entrance of the Association. Do not intentionally feed deer. Local feed stores sell sacks of "deer feed" however; this feed is not natural forage for the deer, it is a grain which their stomachs cannot digest and is of no benefit to them. Keep your hay and/or grain covered or inside a storage building or barn. Plant "deer resistant" foliage/trees. Put up a fence; fences don't always keep them out but they help deter them. Placing fencing around your trees will protect them from damage from shedding bucks and hungry pregnant does.
Vacant Lots
All Spring Creek Association lots are privately owned. Spring Creek Association does not have any regulations regarding brush hogging an undeveloped lot. Contractors are not required to brush hog or clear any more than the area needed for development.
Pushing Snow on Roads
Plowing or pushing snow across or into the road from your property is not allowed. Please refer to the SCA Snow Removal Policy. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions regarding Snow Removal.
Please refer to the rules and regulations regarding OHV use on SCA roads. Also, see the new rule on page 10 of the SCA COA Rules and Regulations.
Drilling Wells
All SCA properties are connected to a municipal water system through Great Basin Water. No wells are allowed to be drilled on private property. Great Basin Water is not affiliated with Spring Creek Association. Contact 753-4437 to report water related issues or to connect or change service.
Call before you dig
USA Dig 1-800-227-2600. USA Dig is not affiliated with Spring Creek Association.
Who can I call to help with yard maintenance or to brush hog my property
Spring Creek Association does have a list of a few private residents that have provided their phone numbers for yard care services. Download the list below, or you can call the office 753-6295 to get these numbers. SCA does not endorse anyone on the yard care list.
Mormon Crickets:
Have you seen Mormon Crickets in the Spring Creek area? Please text this number or email as noted below to report an address or area to help the State track the spread. They have recommended IFA or Boss Tanks for cricket bait, a contact spray, or a vertical cricket fence to help them.
Jeff Knight's Contact Information: jknight@agri.nv.gov Office phone number : 775-353-3767 or Text 775-848-2592.
Local Pest Management Companies Click HERE
Having a nuisance issue? Dogs barking or loose? ATV issues? Here is the procedure so we can help.
Here is how you can report an issue so we can address the property owner right away as nuisance violation.
The information below is what we request you supply us. You can make a complaint several ways including calling 775-753-6295, email: coa@springcreeknv.org or download and print the nuisance complaint form below.
We ask you provide as much information as possible in the case as noted below.
Date of complaint:
Address where issue is occurring:
Issue in detail including the following:
If nuisance regards an animal complaint:
Description of animal
Size (Sm, Med, Large)
What type of nuisance is it?
Running at large
Specific dates and times of occurrences?
Video, audio or photo documentation is helpful
If nuisance regards a noise nuisance in another form (music, revving car engines, etc.):
Specific dates and times of occurrences
If nuisance regards an ATV or OHV issue?
All complaints remain anonymous, but if the issue persists and a hearing is required, then the complainant will be notified of the hearing and asked to attend to state their issues. They are not required to attend, however; their written, photo or audio/video evidence to support the complaint will be submitted to the COA for the hearing.
📅 April 30, 2025
🕕 6:00 p.m.
📍 Spring Creek High School
More information can be found HERE
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